Monday, November 24, 2008

A Quick Hello

I'm showing Dad and Ona the website. Promise to get them registered before they leave. We had a fun day - babysat Kamryn all day, went to the airport to see Shaun fly in on a training flight. Tomorrow we're going to Cripple Creek. Kim is over 21, so she thinks she's going to show Grandpa Glenn a thing or two with Texas Hold 'Em. Wednesday Dad and Mike are going to play golf. Of course Thursday we'll be stuffing our faces. Turducken and deep fried turkey are on the menu again this year. We're supposed to get snow, so will probably stay inside, eat, watch TV and play board games.
Love to All, will blog again soon.


Angela McDonald said...

Hey everyone!
Glad to hear Dad and Ona are safe and sound. I am in Turducken withdrawl!! Sounds like you will be staying busy. Maybe we can have a phone chat sometime over the weekend. I am here all day tomorrow, back to work on Fiday. Love to all,
Angela, John, and critters!

Randy said...

We're having dinner in the Garden Apartment downstairs with the Bloods and a few strays; from the sounds of it, the natives are restless down there so we'd better get the food going! No turducken for us either (maybe next year). Randy is in eastham turnip HEAVEN (eww) and I'm keeping him busy with those.
Have a great holiday everyone!!!!
Love, Randy, Liz, Fatso and Slinky.