Thursday, January 29, 2009

Guten tag from Montana

Alles gut! All is good here. John and I are working, trade show season for him, still jammin' for me. Lauren is working with me four days a week, hanging with her beau Jeffrey most of the time. We are "weathering" the cold, having many fires. The pets are fine. Pretty much the same old same. Love to all.
Angela, John, Lauren, Fatty-Oh, Girley, and Piper

Monday, January 12, 2009

Hello from Colorado

We're happy to report that we both enjoyed a SAFE and mostly relaxing week skiing in Breckenridge. No falls, no injuries, and I even dipped into a few baby mogul fields just to test out my knee. All the physical therapy and working out paid off! Yes Dad, we brought our work laptops and both had to do a little work (me more than Ned), but we tried to minimize it.

The weather ranged from -11 the first morning out, to blowing snow like crazy one day, to sweating in our ski gear, almost spring skiing. We took a few days off to just relax, which was nice. Ned attended the annual Ulr Parade through Main Street Breckenridge one evening while I was on a teleconference for work. Ulr is the Norse God of Snow, honored at the same time each year. I really believe it's an excuse for the locals to drink a lot and act silly in public. Although this year seemed more tame than usual - no guys running through town wearing only a wool sock strategically anchored by duct tape.

We hope everyone is well, and ready for a great 2009! We'll post pictures soon.
Love to all, Laurie

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Merry New Year!

Happy Holidays all! And a Happy & Healthy New Year! It's been a while since our last post but we've been busy.

I got a job at the Orleans Yacht Club beating out over 70 other candidates for the position; I'm their Club Administrator which, as the only paid employee, means that I pretty much do everything from the books to membership. The last few days were spent organizing and cleaning up the filing cabinets (be still my Virgo heart) and getting the place in shape for the upcoming season. As they put it, the OYC is a drinking club with a sailing problem. And they do LOVE to sail. My "corner office with a view" does indeed look out over Town Cove which is the body of water that runs parallel to Route 28 in Orleans. So far I love it. The people are really nice, and, if you can imagine, are great to work with. The majority of them are retired and do what they do because they WANT to be there. Imagine no one saying "I hate my job" or "I want a raise" or any of the other usual workplace complaints. It sure does make for a productive and extrememly pleasant environment. I get to play my iPod and they don't seem to mind that 80's are blaring.

Randy has been working with Liam and are getting ready to go to Patrick's house to do some custom work for them. His music career is moving along nicely too. Santa brought him some music lessons and some rock & roll shirts and he's been getting on stage quite regularly with different local musicians. And loving it. Who knew he was a rock star??? He's working on some new material as he has been ok'd to get a new guitar (a Gretsch) if he learns and knows 50 songs well enough to play on stage.

In public.

I'm so unreasonable I know.

We had a great time with Ned & Laurie when we were in CO a couple of weeks ago and got to hang out some with Ned's son Brent who we hadn't seen since their wedding. Kim looks great and was super excited to graduate and get on with life. Mike & Tiff have a VERY cute and good natured little girl that we got to visit with too. She likes ice cream cake so we know she's one of the family for sure. Laurie - I made your salsa and Randy says that it's almost there...

Randy has been busy doing other things too:

Yes folks, that is "Uncle Randy" behind the white beard. We'd been invited to some friends' house for a little Xmas Eve cheer (lots of cheer as this was a Beachcomber family party) and the hostess called in a panic as her Santa had just canceled and would Randy be interested in the job? The good sport that he is, he agreed and voila!

The two kids in the bottom photo belong to our good friends/landlords Chris & Susan. Lucy knew her Uncle Randy was Santa, but when he showed up in costume, she was not quite so sure. She's 6. Her brother Simon, 3, is convinced that Santa's reindeer will eat him on Xmas Eve. He survived I am happy to report.

We spent Xmas at our friend Val's house with some of her wacky family and enjoyed the holiday spirit. Lots of holiday spirit. The food was excellent as she is a great cook and the company was lots of fun. The rest of the weekend has been low key and we're back to work tomorrow and off to my Dad's house in MD for a few days.

Love to all!
Liz & Randy

Friday, December 19, 2008

Montana checkin in

Hello everyone!
Holy below zero...has been for weeks here. We are working on staying warm.
Highs this weekend are -20! I know the East Coast has been getting pounded as well. Geez! Love to all.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Hello Everyone,

Well, I am slowly trying to master this two child thing. They don't warn you how hard it is to have three crying people in one room, Jesse is going nuts!. THings went well with the birth and now Dean is one month old, I can't believe it. He is giving me a run for my money, he is already 10 lbs. 6oz. and has decided to be a night owl. Well, hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and is doing well. Love Lindsay

Monday, November 24, 2008

A Quick Hello

I'm showing Dad and Ona the website. Promise to get them registered before they leave. We had a fun day - babysat Kamryn all day, went to the airport to see Shaun fly in on a training flight. Tomorrow we're going to Cripple Creek. Kim is over 21, so she thinks she's going to show Grandpa Glenn a thing or two with Texas Hold 'Em. Wednesday Dad and Mike are going to play golf. Of course Thursday we'll be stuffing our faces. Turducken and deep fried turkey are on the menu again this year. We're supposed to get snow, so will probably stay inside, eat, watch TV and play board games.
Love to All, will blog again soon.

Saturday, November 15, 2008


Good Morning!
This is how our day begins...bright and early! Our dog, Piper had a toe removed a week ago. She is doing just fine, however , it is just like having a child in the home once again. She has the cone and bandaged foot during the day, everything off while we are here. Have to wrap the foot in an IV bag to go outside! It is the rain and snow season...yuck. Piper's tumor that was removed was tested and is not malignent. Besides that, we are all just fine. Lauren's beau Jeff got a real nice six point buck yesterday. She is experiencing her first "gut and dress" this weekend ! Not really like the prom theme!! John is doing well. Off to Vegas for trade shows in a few weeks. Me, just jammin! Let us know if you want anything. Thanks for the pic's Laurie. Glad to here you are on the roster again to hit the slopes! Good job Lindsay! The clan keeps growing and growing. Will post/talk soon, love to all,
Angela, John, Lauren, Fatty-oh,and Girley :>)

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Hello All

I've been meaning to do this for weeks. Ned and I settled in with a glass of wine, some cheese and crackers, and football on TV, so it seems like a good time to catch up. It's been beautiful in Colorado, no real consistent cold weather yet. We planted daffodil bulbs last weekend and tried to get a few more shrubs in the ground this weekend before it freezes.

Congratulations to Lindsay and Jesse! We can't wait to see pictures of Dean. Sounds like he's a big boy. Tiffany and I, and Tiffany's mom Donna, took Kamryn to get pictures taken yesterday. She was a little cranky and not many smiles, but that didn't stop me from ordering a butt load of pictures. She is a cutie!

Here's a quick catch up of what's happening in our family: Brent and Caroline are engaged (you can google her by searching for Caroline Brady at KAKE, her TV station), not sure when the wedding will be. They won't be here for Thanksgiving, but will visit for Christmas before Brent leaves for Japan in Jan. Shaun and his Tiffany will most likely be engaged before Thanksgiving. She is moving to Oklahoma to live with him sometime around Thanksgiving. Meagan is getting all A's in college - her last semester of her AA degree. Not sure when we'll see her again. Kim is finishing her last semester, graduates 19 Dec. Mike, Tiff and Kamryn are all doing well. Ned and I are fine. My knee has been declared done with physical therapy, so technically I'm ready for ski season. Ned is doing some travel, but not unreasonable. We're both taking some time off for Turkey Day week - Dad and Ona are coming out for the week.

Here's a recent picture of Kamryn, and a photo during a Sunday dinner a few weeks ago. The people you probably don't recognize are Ned's sister Debbie, and Shaun's girlfriend Tiffany (wearing white shirt). Brent is the other handsome guy standing behind Mike.

Signing off for now, will be back on soon. Love you all! Laurie

Monday, November 3, 2008

Hello Everyone!!

Hey there all you guys. I just saw the website and after about an hour I finally figured out how to get to it and actually use it (I think). Computers and me are not the best of friends.
Well, I am sitting here as big as humanly possible and just waiting for little devil to come out. I have one more week until they will finally agree to induce me and let me see my feet again.
We are all doing great and Jesse was really happy to finally get to see pictures of my family and he can't wait to be able to meet everyone.
Keara is growing like a weed and learning new words everyday, some that we wished she did not know, like "boobies". I have a feeling that Jesse and I are going to have our hands full with this little girl.
Hope everyone is doing well and I can't wait to see more picutes and here from you all.
Love, Lindsay